Values that define and guide our mission:

  1. Authority of Scripture – We believe that the Word of God is to be the final authority for all our beliefs and practices.
  2. Holy Spirit Dynamics – We seek the effective working of the Holy Spirit in our lives, ministries and corporate gatherings.
  3. Local Church – This is God’s instrument and therefore our context for ministry training, confident in its ultimate success.
  4. Integrity – Godly character is the only proven platform for ministry influence.
  5. Vision – God-given vision is the inspiration for ministry development.
  6. Self-discipline – Harnessing one’s life resources with personal disciplines increases ministry effectiveness.
  7. Presence – The ongoing experience of God’s presence both corporately and individually provides the atmosphere for Spirit-led ministry.
  8. Community – Since ministry was meant to be relational, we seek to create a genuine sense of community.
  9. Heritage and Destiny – We honor and carry forward the rich spiritual heritage God has provided us as well as seek to boldly move forward into the destiny we have not yet obtained.
  10. Authenticity – We value substance over style, seeking genuine expression of the life of Christ.
  11. Servanthood – We strive to exemplify Christ’s model of servant-leadership.
  12. Yieldedness – A heart and life that is fully surrendered to God becomes His most treasured instrument.

Eight beliefs that shape future leaders:

  1. We believe a church college offers a balanced context for both spiritual growth and academic achievement, with a church focus on ministry experience and college focus on ministry training.
  2. We believe that raising up a young leader is a slow yet sure process as God orchestrates a journey to maturity that touches all areas of life.
  3. We believe that godly character is the foundation to a successful life and ministry. It provides an obvious level of integrity that establishes the person’s trustworthiness.
  4. We believe that charisma and gifting should be submitted to the dealings of God that result in brokenness, humility and a deep appreciation for the calling of God.
  5. We believe in exalting faithfulness over flashiness. Young leaders should first be in Christ, be a disciple, be in church, be a functioning member and then be in the ministry as a functioning leader.
  6. We believe that respect for authority expressed in attitude and action is the gateway to receiving authority, which is the gateway to effective ministry.
  7. We believe in the sovereign, overruling, power of God in and over students. We believe that God sends each student here and that God has a special unique plan and purpose for each one.
  8. We believe these formative years are a time for God to deposit dream seeds or vision seeds into the life of each student. It is our hope that life-long vision will surface and the seeds they receive will be used the rest of their life.
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