Career Advancement

Whether you are interested in social work, teaching, full time ministry, the marketplace, or you are entrepreneurial and want to start your own business, our heart is to equip, train, and partner with you on your journey.  We believe that a critical part of that development comes through student involvement in church life, and encourage students to become faithful, active participants in our Practicum & Apprenticeship Ministry Experience.

Career Advancement is part of what makes Portland Bible College unique, and through Mannahouse, and Portland Bible College alumni connections whether across the country or around the world, students are able to inquire about available positions within these local churches and organizations.  Our goal is to prepare students with job ready skills, and provide opportunities directly within a student’s field of expertise upon graduation.

Please reach out to Joy King our Director of Placement, for more information or to make an appointment if you would like to discuss future goals or plans.


To help you along with way, here are some of our favorites for continuing your leadership development and love for people.


Need to revamp your resume?  Check out these options:

Build the Perfect Resume

How to write an Effective Cover Letter

Resume is solid? Now what?

Clean up Your Social Media

Create Your LinkeIn Profile

Nailing The Interview


MANGO is a free tool that coaches you through the networking process, starting with the outreach email. Write customized networking emails, have productive informational interviews, and manage one-on-one networking step-by-step.  This EASY-TO-USE email template builder is the perfect tool to assist you with any writing or networking task.

From starting a conversation with a possible employer or recruiter, to rounding out the interview process with a follow-up or thank-you note, MANGO Connects is a perfect online tool for you! Get Started on building your contact list and trying out different email templates. You won’t believe how well this tool can transform your ideas into truly professional correspondence!

Have Questions? Need help with any of the above? You can also set up a time to meet with Joy King, to work on your resume and interview prep to make sure you have your best foot forward whether its for a part time job during school, your full time dream job after graduation or your thinking about graduate school. We want to help get you where you want to be.

Made for More

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